Senior Design Team sdmay22-40
Design an interactive learning platform to engage large size classroom.
Every instructor wants to enhance student engagement and participation to make a successful class. The question and answer session or instant quiz during the lecture can be an excellent way to engage students. But for a large classroom, it is hard for students to ask questions if they are sitting far away (middle or at the end of a large auditorium). In this project, the students will design an interactive learning platform (i.e., web-based application) that will allow students to participate in any class activity (e.g., quiz, poll, etc.) or post questions anytime (e.g., during the lecture or outside of lecture time) and the instructor will provide feedback. The instructor will use this interactive platform to post any question for an immediate answer, post a quiz or open a discussion for the knowledge test. This learning platform will also provide student participation statistics that can be used for grading purposes.
The final deliverable can be in web-based application format with the following features:
- Instructor, TA, and student will sign up separately.
- The student will post the question in the following format: text, image, audio, and video format.
- Students can post the question with their name or anonymously.
- All the conversations will have a follow-up or reply options where instructor/TA/students can post their comments in text, image, audio, and video format.
- All the conversations will be archived in the group by group (e.g., lectures, HW, lab, quiz, etc.) so that the entire dass can see them antime.
- The instructor can open a poll instantly with text or image format. The system will immediately provide the student participation, and the instructor can also download the student participation list for later use (e.g., grading)
- This web-based application should be convertible to a mobile app (e.g., android app and apple store app) in the future for commercial use.
The following additional features can be included if possible:
- Statistics of contributions (e.g., number of posts, feedback response time).
- List top 10 student contributors with the number of contributions and name for extra credit.
- List top TA contributors with the number of contributions.